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Aloe MSM Gel

  • Product Code: 205
  • Volume: 118 млL
  • Weight: 140g

937.98 ₴

A combination of aloe vera and methyl mulphonyl methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), this non-staining, clear gel soothes joints and muscles.

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Cool, calming relief for any gym bag. • Combines natural MSM, aloe gel and herbal extracts • Great for soothing relief anytime • Essential for any gym bag • Non-staining formula • Vegetarian and vegan friendly • Gluten free Forever’s Aloe MSM Gel is your ticket to soothing relief when and where you need it. We combined pure inner leaf aloe vera with methyl sulfonyl methane (MSM), an organic sulphur found in many living organisms. MSM combined with pure aloe vera gel provides deep comfort and moisturisation. But the soothing power of Aloe MSM Gel doesn’t stop with those two ingredients. This clear, non-staining formula includes natural herbal extracts like tea tree leaf oil, willow bark extract and glycerin to calm and condition skin. The addition of rosemary leaf extract draws water to the skin to keep it hydrated and comfortable. This versatile gel is a must-have for any gym bag. Apply liberally and massage into skin to soothe joints and muscles after a tough workout. If your lifestyle keeps you on the move, show your body the love it deserves and stay ready for the next adventure. Apply liberally and massage into your skin after a long day or a tough workout to sooth your muscles and joints.

Apply liberally and massage into skin areas where needed. Should eye contact occur, flush with water for several minutes. Repeat application as needed.


Please note: It is advisable to perform a patch test before using any topical product for the first time.


Сік листя Алое Барбаденсіс (стабілізований* гель Алое Вера), вода, диметилсульфон (МСМ), гліцерин, триетаноламін, диметикон, листя мучниці звичайної, гіалуронат натрію, алантоїн, токоферол, олія листя чайного дерева, екстракт листя розмарину лікарського, екстракт кори верби білої, полісорбат 80, аскорбінова кислота, карбомер, динатрій EDTA, метилпарабен, діазолідинілсечовина.

