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Aloe Propolis Creme

  • Product Code: 051
  • Volume: 113 гL
  • Weight: 113g

804.12 ₴

A rich, creamy blend of aloe vera, bee propolis and chamomile that helps maintain healthy, beautiful skin tone and texture.

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The best of aloe and the hive • Rich blend of aloe vera and bee propolis • Helps maintain beautiful skin tone and texture • Nourishing and moisturising • Helps soothe skin • Vegetarian friendly Only Forever could create a product as inventive as Aloe Propolis Creme. This nourishing cream combines two of our most prized ingredients: pure inner leaf aloe vera gel and bee propolis. Together, these two fundamental elements help your skin maintain beautiful tone and texture. Bee propolis is a resinous substance that bees create to fortify their hives. This powerful substance also has properties that creates a natural barrier on your skin, locking in the natural skincare benefits of aloe, and helping to rejuvenate skin for a smooth, supple look and feel. Aloe vera, combined with vitamins A, E and C, works to nourish and moisturise the skin, whilst added Chamomile enhances the soothing power of Aloe Propolis Creme. It’s easy to see why Aloe Propolis Creme is one of Forever’s flagship products. Treat your skin to the soothing, nourishing and protecting power packed inside every bottle. *Please note packaging at Forever Centres may vary

Apply liberally as needed.


Please note: Before using any topical product for the first time, it is advisable to do a patch test.

Сік з листя Алое Барбаденсіс (Стабілізо- ваний* Гель алое вера), гліцерил стеарат, пропіленгліколь, цетиловий спирт, стеарат ПЕГ-100, ланолін, етилгексилпальмітат, екстракт прополісу, екстракт квітів ромаш- ки (лікарської), екстракт лодів ріжкового дерева, етилгексил стеарат, сорбіт, діетил- гексил адіпат, алантоїн, диметикон, ланолі- новий спирт, аскорбінова кислота, токо- ферол, аскорбілпальмітат, триетаноламін, вода, динатрієва EDTA, лимонна кислота, мальтодекстрин, парфум, кумарин, сечови- ни діазолідиніл, метилпарабен, пропілпа- рабен, сорбат калію, натрію бензоат.
